March 3, 2022
Indiana's Attorney General Defends Catholic School's Right to Fire Teacher in Same-Sex Marriage by Rhett Baxley at Tristate Homepage and Catholic Culture. “Our founding fathers guaranteed religious liberty at the very beginning of the Bill of Rights,” said Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita. “That’s no coincidence. Religious liberty is America’s first freedom. Here in Indiana, I will do everything in my power to protect this liberty for Hoosiers.” Read
Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About School Choice (but were afraid to ask) interview with Shawn Peterson, president of Catholic Education Partners at Catholic School Playbook. The Church's interest in education stems from her interest in the soul of the individual, human flourishing, and the common good. As with all things the Church engages in, the purpose is to help us know, love, and serve God, and lead each of us to Christ. Education is no exception. A proper Catholic education does not merely impart knowledge in preparation for a career; it teaches truth and morals and sets young people on a path to Heaven. Read
Support for School Choice Has Risen to 72% Among Voters Post-Pandemic: Poll by Jeremiah Poff at Washington Examiner. Support for school choice policies has reached 72% among registered voters, including 68% of Democrats, in the wake of pandemic school closures and mask mandates, according to new polling. The survey, conducted by RealClear Opinion Research of over 2,000 registered voters in early February, indicated that school choice enjoys widespread bipartisan support among voters, even as support among politicians often falls along party lines. Read
Vandalism, Arson Hits Catholic Churches, Cemeteries, and Schools Across US by Kevin J. Jones at Catholic News Agency. Recent weeks witnessed acts of vandalism at Catholic churches and cemeteries across the U.S. While some of the alleged perpetrators were young boys or possibly mentally ill men, police are still investigating several cases of serious damage, including arson at a Catholic school in Ohio. Read
Throwback Article
Beyond Multiple Choice--Thought, Language, and Assessment by Elisabeth Sullivan at Institute for Catholic Liberal Education on July 19, 2019. Language is the vehicle that drives us to continually refine our perception of what is true. Nouns name things, either rightly or wrongly. Sentences declare order and relationships that either correspond to, or misrepresent, reality. The very act of constructing a sentence, spoken or written, coaxes the mind to see, to order, and to communicate a truth or idea. This is not a matter for grammar class alone. Every time a student expresses knowledge in complete sentences (including mathematical sentences in symbols), she builds her capacity for reason and understanding. Filling in bubbles, blanks, word searches, and true/false boxes robs her of that opportunity. Read