"Meaning at Risk in the Age of Automated Information Processing" by John Vervaeke at Humanum
Jul 4, 2024
"We are in an age in which information processing has become dominant as both an overarching technological framework and medium, as well as a primary metaphorical framework through which we try to interpret and understand ourselves both individually and collectively. This is perhaps most prominent in the advent of artificial general intelligence (AGI) which threatens to challenge and change humanity in a profound and pervasive manner."
Meaning at Risk in the Age of Automated Information Processing by John Vervaeke at Humanum. We are in an age in which information processing has become dominant as both an overarching technological framework and medium, as well as a primary metaphorical framework through which we try to interpret and understand ourselves both individually and collectively. This is perhaps most prominent in the advent of artificial general intelligence (AGI) which threatens to challenge and change humanity in a profound and pervasive manner. Read
Bans on Smartphones in the Classroom Gain Favor Across Political Spectrum by Jonathan Butcher at Intellectual Takeout. The school year is over, and the results should leave parents and educators with more anxiety than relief. Achievement scores are near historical lows and student absenteeism is high. There is some bipartisan agreement, though, on classroom management that could help students begin to rebound in the fall: Prohibit smartphones in classrooms. Read
4 Essential Lessons from Aristotle About Being Human by Joseph R. Wood at Cana Academy. What is it to be human? We see our friends and neighbors doing many things: eating, sleeping, talking, reading and writing, playing games, watching videos, working, praying, on and on. But what is the essential nature of the being who does all these things? It’s a question that has both delighted and perplexed us since we became aware that our rational minds distinguish us from other living beings around us and make us capable of asking the question in the first place. Today, as we confront strange new possibilities of artificial intelligence and transhumanism, the question comes back to us with new force. Read
Summer To-Do List for Catholic School Teachers by Rose Coleman at Word on Fire. As one school year ends and another looms on the horizon, teachers spend the summer enjoying restoration, leisure, and reflection. Amidst the potential flurry of family vacations, reading, side hustles, maintenance projects, planning, and professional development, Catholic school teachers must be mindful stewards of this time, focusing first on faith. Read
A Catholic Family Summer, Part II: An Invitation to Wonder by Mary Zuniga at Holy Spirit Preparatory School. Perhaps the vacation or beach trip has passed. Perhaps the early summer excitement begins to be replaced with voices clamoring, “I’m bored” or “I have nothing to do.” Or perhaps your summer has been so packed that it’s been hard to sit still, as one activity races after the other. This is my invitation to you to embrace slowness this summer. In a world that grabs and squanders our attention, slow days lead us to reclaim our children’s and our own attention. These slow, ordinary summer days are precious and full of opportunities to create unique, unexpected, wonder-filled memories that draw your family together. Read
Oklahoma Catholic Charter School Pledges to ‘Fight’ Court Ruling. State Fails to Void Its Contract. by Nuria Martinez-Keel at Oklahoma Voice. Leaders of an Oklahoma Catholic charter school said they will “continue to fight” to open the school after the Oklahoma Supreme Court rejected their attempt to operate as a state-funded entity. Meanwhile, a state board in Oklahoma City failed to comply with the state Supreme Court’s order to rescind the founding contract for St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School. Read
Meet the Crop of New Leaders in Catholic Higher Education by Kate Quiñones at Catholic News Agency. Of the more than 200 Catholic colleges and universities in the United States, several are in the midst of major leadership transitions. Here’s a look at the most recent. Read
Catholic University Grads Report High Levels of Fulfillment, Moral Thinking, Survey Finds by Kate Quiñones at Catholic News Agency. Catholic university graduates are more likely to report higher fulfillment and more emphasis on morality in their decision-making than non-Catholic school students, according to a recent study out of St. Mary’s University in San Antonio. The study found that in areas such as life goals, graduates of Catholic universities and colleges had more of a sense of “direction,” with 9% more responding to that effect. Read
Throwback Thursday
The K-12 Education Renaissance by Jeremy Wayne Tate at First Things on January 25, 2023. Few parents are going to want their children to waste their formative years in joyless, factory-style learning environments when superior alternatives exist. Faith-based schools that kindle wonder within children are multiplying. The good news is parents are embracing these options so enthusiastically, it’s difficult to build schools fast enough to meet the surging demand. As I discussed in a previous article, classically minded colleges are enjoying historic levels of success. It’s revealing that the trend is just as strong, if not stronger, at the primary and secondary level. These classical K–12 alternatives are rapidly expanding while conventional schools struggle with chronic absenteeism, plunging achievement, and an enrollment decline not seen since World War II. Read