"New Program Offers Alternative Credentials for Catholic School Teachers" by John Lavenburg at Crux.
Jun 16, 2022
Mary Pat Donoghue, the executive director of the Secretariat of Catholic Education for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, told Crux that the program is an answer to an expressed need from Catholic bishops, superintendents, and principals: finding well-formed Catholics to fill leadership positions in Catholic education. Donoghue noted that Catholic schools often require state certification to have a measurable way of ensuring quality, even though those certifications sometimes contain elements that “contradict or undermine the faith.” “This program will assist bishops in [ensuring quality], but in a way that’s fully consistent with the church,” Donoghue said.
New Program Offers Alternative Credentials for Catholic SchoolTeachers by John Lavenburg at Crux. Mary Pat Donoghue, the executive director of the Secretariat of Catholic Education for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, told Crux that the program is an answer to an expressed need from Catholic bishops, superintendents, and principals: finding well-formed Catholics to fill leadership positions in Catholic education. Donoghue noted that Catholic schools often require state certification to have a measurable way of ensuring quality, even though those certifications sometimes contain elements that “contradict or undermine the faith.” “This program will assist bishops in [ensuring quality], but in a way that’s fully consistent with the church,” Donoghue said. Read
25 States Have Now Left National School Boards Association asNebraska Departs by Dillon Burroughs at The Daily Wire. The Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB) has left the National School Boards Association (NSBA), making it the 25th state to exit. The NASB’s decision on Saturday adds to a mass exodus of departures following a September letter that compared upset parents at school board meetings to domestic terrorists…. In addition to Nebraska, 24 other states have left the NSBA, including Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Read
We Need ‘Eucharistic Education’ by Patrick Reilly at National Catholic Register. We greatly need a revival of Eucharistic education. It is in faithful Catholic education that young people learn not to separate their lives and their knowledge from Christ, who enters into every study and every activity. We need this in our Catholic parish schools, lay-run independent schools, homeschools, hybrid programs, and colleges. Read
Study Estimates Number of Transgender Youth has Doubled Since 2017 by Jeremiah Poff at Washington Examiner. A new study from the Williams Institute at UCLA Law estimates that the number of teenagers identifying as transgender is now twice the amount the institute estimated in 2017. The study estimates the number of trans teenagers is around 300,000, double the 2017 estimate of 150,000, even as the study's estimate of trans adults remained largely unchanged at 1.3 million. Read
Throwback Thursday
Scam Artists and Sex Education by Carl R. Trueman at First Things on November 22, 2017. One of the oddest aspects of the sexual revolution is its tendency to present the problem as the solution. For instance, during the 1980s, the least acceptable response to the AIDS crisis was the promotion of abstinence. Promiscuity was held to be normative, opponents of it were decried as idiotic and prudish, and any acceptable solution had to be built on these foundational truths. Thirty years on, the failed pattern continues. Read