Mar 18, 2022
Alvaro de Vicente on The Search for Truth on Anchored by Classic Learning Test. We have a nationwide persecution of boys, and in many places, we are persecuting them not because they are bad boys, but because they are boys. Watch Listen Catholic School Sports Should Encourage Prayer by Patrick Reilly at Cardinal Newman Society. The home team plans its pre-game and post-game events, inviting others into its “home.” At a Catholic school or college, that’s a “Catholic home.” “We have a chance to show our guests who we are: a community of faith and part of the Catholic Church, and in this instance the Church at play and prayer,” explain The Cardinal Newman Society standards. Moreover, “We should never shy away from the name of Jesus in any prayer or circumstance out of a false sense of inclusivity or a fear of appearing pious.” Read Mark Hemingway on The Failures of Public Education on Anchoredby Classic Learning Test. There's always going to be an element of people that think that the reason why we haven't achieved some sort of utopia in education or otherwise is in fact that we're just not teaching people to be compassionate enough. Watch Listen Poll Finds Broad Support for Banning Classes on Sexual Orientation in K-3 by Jeremiah Poff at Washington Examiner. A new national poll found over 60% of U.S. citizens support the provision in a controversial Florida bill that would prohibit classroom instruction of sexual orientation and gender identity through third grade. The new poll, conducted by the market research firm Lucid for the Daily Wire, asked respondents their opinion on the specific text of the Florida bill, starkly contrasting with another recent poll from ABC and Ipsos that found 62% supported teaching elementary school students about sexual orientation and gender identity. Read
Throwback Article
The Fraud of Higher Education by Benjamin Myers in First Things on March 19, 2019. For regardless of what one has learned, it is the claim of having been to college—and the more name recognition for that college, the better—that earns one respect and a good job. It is in light of this decline in educational standards that we should understand the recent college admissions scandal, in which Felicity Huffman, Lori Loughlin, and others paid large amounts of money to get their children, through bribery and fraud, into “elite” universities. Read