Feb 24, 2022
In Making an Idol of Physical Safety, Catholic Schools Are Failing
by Alexandra Sullivan at Crisis Magazine. Over the past two years, our society has created an idol out of physical health and safety, protecting them at all costs. But Jesus tells us Himself: “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell” (Matthew 10:28). He reminds us that there are things far worse than illness and bodily suffering—like separation from God. Sadly, many of our Catholic schools have not been immune to society’s idolatry, as demonstrated by the strict Covid policies in many schools, and it will destroy the faith of our Catholic school children if we don’t remedy the situation. Read
"Book Bans" and Catholic Parents by David G. Bonagura, Jr. at Catholic World Report. Want proof of how successful parents have been in unexpectedly thwarting the progressive agenda in schools? The New York Times, the progressive conscience of America, has gone on the offensive against “book bans” initiated by parental complaints, with two consecutive news stories and three opinion pieces, all within the last two weeks. To their credit, the Times writers all get one thing right: these so-called book bans are not about books. “They are about what a child, a reader, and a society are allowed to think, to know, and to question.” This is why the Times is in full panic mode. Read
All But Two of Top 25 Medical Schools Require Critical Race Theory Training by Jeremiah Poff at Washington Examiner. All but two of the top 25 medical schools in the United States require students to undergo some form of critical race theory training, according to new data from a database that tracks such programs in higher education.The database criticalrace. org, a project of the nonprofit organization Legal Insurrection, found that students, faculty, and staff were required to undergo some form of training on diversity, equity, and inclusion, which often incorporates aspects of critical race theory. Read
Throwback Article
How a Kansas Humanities Program Shaped a Generation of Catholic Leaders by Perry West at Catholic News Agency on December 29, 2019. Almost 50 years ago, the University of Kansas established a new humanities curriculum. It lasted only about 10 years. But those 10 years inspired conversions, priestly vocations, and so many Catholic initiatives that the program is still leaving its mark on the life of the Catholic Church. Read