May 12, 2022
The Sorry Situation of Catholic Schools by Mark Bauerlein at First Things. How many Catholic schools are really just public schools with a Mass requirement attached, plus an elective or two of theology? Many schools feature lots of Catholic talk on the website, but when it comes to the actual books assigned and knowledge tested, Catholicism pretty much disappears. More
Because Our Kids Deserve Better: How a Religious SisterReclaimed the Catholic Intellectual Tradition at Her School at Catholic School Playbook. “Our school is made up of beautiful families who work hard, though many don’t have a lot of money. They want the best for their children and that begins with giving them a Catholic education,” said Sr. Mary Alma. More
Care About Equal Opportunity? Support School Choice! by Rita Peters at The Stream. If we really want equal opportunities for kids from all races, ethnicities, and family income levels, we must let each child’s parents choose the school that’s best for their kids, and send education tax dollars there — the same amount for every child. More
Catholic University Bars Conservative Catholic Author from Speaking on Campus by Jeremiah Poff at Washington Examiner. ACatholic university in Minnesota has barred Daily Wire personality and author Michael Knowles from delivering a lecture on campus, citing his views on transgender issues. The College Republicans chapter at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, had been working since March with the conservative youth organization Young America’s Foundation to host Knowles, a Catholic, for a lecture on campus. More
Peru Passes Bill Supporting Parents’ Rights in Education by DiegoLopez Marina at Catholic News Agency. The Peruvian Congress on Thursday passed Bill 904, which supports the right of parents to educate their children according to their values and principles…. Article 5 says that “officials and civil servants in the education sector may not approve or publish educational materials, texts or resources” without the participation of parents. The bill also requires “complete respect for the religious freedom or moral convictions of students and their parents” and emphasizes that “education should not be a means to promote any type of social or political ideology.” More
Throwback Thursday
Atheism, Education, and Human Flourishing by Michael Moynihanon Heights Forum on January 28, 2022. We are complicated creatures and our actions, interior as well as exterior, are often marred by mixed motives. Aside from the multifaceted life experiences that shape us, a person can reject truth because it is more convenient to adopt a different perspective, to choose a belief system consistent with licentious moral choices. But the widespread atheism and indifferentism of today would not be possible without people being conditioned and educated into patterns of thought antithetical to normal human development and flourishing. There is an educational dimension to what is going on. More